Lingerie, though her name sounds scandalous, was an innocent child of a family of weavers and tailors. Her sister, Neglige, was the scandalous one. Though she had briefly tried tailoring at an early age, she found it was not suitable to her personality. She did not like suits at all. She found a note and took it to the clerics guild, but really didn't know what the guy in the robe was talking about when she handed it to him. He did give her a robe, a strange good feeling, and she could almost hear trumpets when she handed it to him--how strange.
The next day she decided to venture out by herself into the countryside, where she encountered a nasty decaying gnome skeleton who began to beat her. This is where she found she had the healing powers (by healing herself, of course) and a love for battle, especially of the undead. After killing many skels, and a few other vile creatures, she took the step of becoming a Templar.
Lingerie rose quickly to the status of officer, through having some almost bewitching link to the guildleader. Ling, as her friends began to call her really enjoyed healing those in need--even to the point of "handing out random heals" when she was not grouped with her friends or guildmates. Through her travels and battles, Ling finally understood what her "Pappy" used to say about the world being like a finely woven tapestry--so she took the name of one of her family's finest products--the Whitesail cloth.
Lingerie Whitesail as a world traveller became
known for her benevolence, and every year around the time of her birthday
there is a celebration at one or more of the major department stores. The
Lingerie/White Sale--oh well, even Ravin knows not everyone can spell.