I was born to a humble, but happy home. My father is a fisherman and my mother a shopkeeper. I studied the normal curricula as a lad and was thought to show promise in the ways of evocation.
After a brief apprenticeship in AkAnon, I met an Erudite wizard named Aatin. In his company I traveled to Freeport, city of man and gateway of commerce, to continue my studies.
Aatin , along with his traveling companion Diadeya (a true enchantress, if ever I met one) showed me around the area and we had many great battles for survival. One evening, during our adventures in the Oasis of Marr, they introduced me to a Winne, a cleric of considerable skill. This cleric saw fit to guild me into the Templars.
Through this association
I have met many fine people, though I was fascinated by three that were
near my own years of experience.
Utah- a rogue..brash, daring,
and a bit dangerous, but willing to die to protect the group.
Kilor- A barbarian Shaman
that became like a brother to me, and for whom I would gladly lay down
my own life.
LVSun- A night -blind Human
Paladin, encased in steel but caring of others. Later to become a Knight
of Truth and a force to be reckoned with .
There are too many people
and stories to relate everything in one tale, but I would like to tell
you one story...
We were on an excursion,
Skarloc, Kilor, Utah, and I. We found ourselves in Lesser Faydark.
Coming across a village, we spied a Faerie Maiden standing sentinel. Being
young and brash the suggestion soon came..."Zap the faerie, Marq!"
As quick as I could evoke a single spell the entire village was upon us.
Needless to say , there
was no rest that night, as we crept about gathering equipment we had scattered
across the land.
To this day it is said (and
I hope it is in good natured jest) "Don't let Marquon pull!"
My friends and guild members
have taught me much, my powers have grown, and my family is proud that
I have formed so noble an alliance. (Though my mother feels I should
settle down with a nice elven lass.)